Sunday, March 30, 2008

Addicted to 'buffday gurl'

After finished packing our things for Langkawi as well as balik kampung trip, I went to Tesco (again...) alone (again...) Wanted to buy few more buffday stuff. But, instead of just buying paper plates and plastic fork and spoon, I also bought something that definitely will make my hubby angry (again. heheh..)

I cannot stand it okay...those things was really cute!

Little Aisyah will be wearing this on her buffday! Yeayyy!

And this shelf is for her toys.

Sneak preview of her gown. Simple jer kan? Anyway, I bought it last 2 weeks at Ikano.

Arrived home at about 6.35 pm. Quickly bathe, solat and dine. Tanpa memperdulikan Anugerah Bintang Fofular BH at tv3, I was like tertonggeng-tonggeng fixing that book shelf. Hubby as usual watching EPL football match..it was Chelsea vs what...i dunno....

This is how that shelf looks like now! (with some of her toys in it). I placed it right beside our bed. Hubby said, dont be surprised if she wakes up at night and rearranging that toys again and again. Hahaha...

Top shelf. I call this Hungry Bee. Throw the ball into her mouth and funny sounds will come out. Her mickey tabung and softball.

3rd shelf. Her latest toys. FP Peek a blocks.

2nd shelf. Her Baby Jack (the one that similing with closed eyes), sesame street rattles (got 8 different sounds) and other small rattles plus that FP motorbike (forgot the name already!)

1st shelf. Her FP choo choo train, EON Bank tabung and also the battling tops game (recently bought at Mattel Warehouse Sale)

Hey! almost forgotten... Aisyah can walk already. Yeayyy... my sis sms me when I was busy with toys (as usual) at Tesco. Awww...sungguh terharu!

Oh ya...for those who interested to buy Tesco Activity Walker (like the one I bought for Aisyah) this is the best time for you to grab it. It is now selling at RM24.90! Sooooo...cheap okay! It was RM49.90 when I bought it 2 months ago. Go go tomorrow! :D

Friday, March 28, 2008

Buffday Gurl : PART II

Tired. kaki pon ada sikit2 sengal. Siang tadi mencari pasal di Mattel Warehouse sale. Hehe. Selain sayer, ramai lagi ibu2 dan bapak2 yang jadi piranha. Hehe..anak-anak punya pasal kan.... Met quite a number of my fellow seniors masa kat Taayah dulu. As usual, aku jer kenal dorang...dorang tak kenal haku. Dasar pompuan tak glamer kan...Heh!

This time I only bought 2 things for Aisyah: (Malas nk ambik gambar, nantilah kalau rajin nk surf kat internet) Pecah rekod, spent RM55 jer kali ni. hehe...
1) FP Peek-a-block set (yg dlm tupperware tu);
2) Toys yg ala2 gasing (malas nk cek nama mainan tu-dh simpan masuk bakul. Can only be played in 4 years time. Hahaha..)

Baru siap masak megi. Tak lah lapar sgt, tapi dh lama sgt tak mkn maggi. So...maggi kari siap!!

Nk buat checklist abt what to buy for Aisyah's buffday. Takmo lebih2. Sekadar mampu. Tanak buang duit kat hiasan/aksesori yg berberan-beran. Yang penting the food. Hehe.. (pikir mkn jer kan?) Bought some Balloons (10 pcs jerr...) kat tesco tadi. Cukuplah kan! Hahaha...

Baju buffday gurl pon dh beli. Tema - RETRO. Jimat sikit. Polkadot. Hahaha... As for Mama and Babah...tak yah nk beli2 baju baru. pakai jer apa yg ada. And the cake?? settled. Dah finalise topping and wording dgn Sha semlm. Jumaat (a day before the event) pi collect kat opis Sha. Simple2 jerk... lawa2 pon nnt nk ngap jugak kan?? (hehe..ayat org sengkek lah ni...)

Makan megi jap. Sedapnya!

Okehh..nk surf pasal fesyen rambut baby lah. Mesti rambut Aisyah dh panjang sekarang. Cadangnya nk potong sikit. Nak trim. Oh ya! tadi called my mom. Terharu (sampai menitis air mata) when she told me Aisyah dh pandai tatih! Selangkah dua... sedih jugak, coz tak dpt tengok her first few steps depan mata. Lagilah buat Mama tak sabar2 nk balik kampung jumpa Aisyah. But...yg sedihnya...my parents would be really sad lah lepas ni sbb penghibur diorang dah nk balik KL. Dad jokingly told me : Aisyah kater dia nk duduk kampung..tanak balik KL dah. Ohh tidak...sorry dad.... Sayer sudah tak sanggup berjauhan dengan budak tecit itu. My mil pon dah balik Rawang mlm ni. Esok (should be) my bil's maid arrived from Indon. Tak per..nanti once a month kami balik kampung ok....

Oh ya...saya sudah tambah satu lagi element kat blog saya ni. MyBlog Log. (gadget lah kononnya :P) From there I can see who's visiting my blog. Alamak...agak segan diriku ini. Blog saya yg hentam kromo (ala2 syok sendiri) di baca oleh orang2 yg saya tak kenal. I dun mind okay...cuma segan. Heh!

So, pelawat2 baru.... apa2 yg buruk di blog ini, (terutama bab2 komplen pasal somi, dan komplen pasal in laws :P) tolong jgn teladani yer. Sungguh tak baik utk keharmonian rumahtangga anda. Heh!

OK. Maggi dah habis. Nk surf pasal fesyen rambut baby.

Mengerbang ditiup angin. Nak potong macamana yerr..? Curly la budak nih. Mcm Babah dia...

Biasanya tocang mcm ni jer... Tapi mcm dah bosanlah kan! Kalau anakku rambut lurus kan syok. Boleh buat mcm2 style. Hehe...

TBC. Nk minum air jap

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


This entry is dedicated to both of my blogger pals : Oli and Fara..

This morning that Apek who sells that capailang knee cover did came to Rasa. But, that things dah tak ada. I asked and he told me 'suda tada stok la amoi...'

'Bila lagi lu nk bawak sini uncle?' I asked...

'Tataw lorrr...tak bley janji lorrr...bila2 ada saya bawak mari kasi lu lorr...' was his reply.

So, friends... takder rezeki u olls la nampaknya for the time being....

Sorry ekk... I bagitau siang2, so that u olls tak mengharap sgt. Why dont u olls try this blog. She is selling baby stuffs and some of it was really nice. I never had any experience buying things from her btw. But, no harm trying kan....


Hope this link helps...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baru jumpa lorrr....

Selama ini gambar2 ni tersimpul rapi dalam kamera PID. Skang sayer suda jumpa..maka saya mau publish sini..hehe. Gambar2 ni masa Gathering PID kat PD aritu.

Tengoklah gaya manjaku dengan assistant ku itu. Hahaha..mcm budak terencat pon ada lorrr...

Kami terpilih sbg top 2 region taww....

Yang ni plak masa sessi buat kesimpulan kursus (last day). 2 mak pingu tgh dok bekerja keras buat tema blender. Ekekeke.... Again, we were chosen as one of the best taww!
Psssttt.. yang baju itam tu zell

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Its been quite sometimes since my last visit to the cinema. Snake on the plane was the last movie I watched before I got stuck with Aisyah. Haha. But, since our baby is not with us (weird though...didn't feels like lovers anyway. haha...) we've been watching this 2 movies in this 2 weeks.

Been eye-ing for this movie ever since I heard it's promo on radio. Last week, we (me n hb) went for a unplanned movie watching during our so-called "weekend Jusco visits" at Kepong. Thats the nearest and the best "all under one roof" mall nearby. Remember guys, we dont have much choices here in Rawang. ~Sigh~ We had our fatty dinner at KFC before heading to the cinema. Its not our style to book movie tickets online or even surf or make phone calls to check movie availabilities. Padan mukalah! There were no great movies that worth to watch. And it starts very late some more. So, I suggested that we try checking another cinema at Selayang. At least, we were half way to home (nearer). Trust me, I dont know whether its Cineplex or TGV or GSC. Been watching movies there a few times but I never bother to remember the name. Haha... Am not sure if the cinema still exists! We reached Selayang at about 11 pm something. That place is rather scary and gloomy now. Worsen than my last visit. Maybe because its very late and the schedules are more or less same like TGV in Kepong. No good movies. But, as we have the "dah alang-alang..." attitudes, we ended up watching this forever-dump-and-rubbish movie~10,000 BC! Thats the stupid-est English movie that I had ever watched in my entire life so far. (Eh, it doesnt sounds English actually...got Hindi essence!)

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The storyline was like no plot, no motive, no direction, no climax....and nothing else I could say. Yes, it potrays a great CGI efforts, but, can they at least produce a movie that can connect the audience to the storyline? I would rather sit on my sofa and watch the National Geographic channel. So peeps, for your good sake, please do not watch this movie.

And, this weekend...we did our Jusco visit again but this time I managed to convince hb to go a lil bit further. One Utama jerr. Hehe. And, as we never learned any lessons (sgt degil okkay!) we went to check (again..) for any good movies (again..) Its not checking actually as we already made up our mind-to watch as many movies as we can while little Aisyah not around! (sounds like ambil kesempatan kan?) We first checked at the cinema nearby Jusco area and later on, we went to the other one at the other wings. (am very bad at telling direction and/or places!) This time, lucky us! Gone Baby Gone is now showing. We bought the 9.30 pm show. As usual, dinner is a must before watching movie. This time we dine at Teppanyaki where I had my usual menu-salmon, while hb-beef.

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A 4-year-old girl is missing in a tough Boston neighborhood, and private investigators Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro (Casey Affleck and Michelle Monaghan) are asked by family to assist in the case. Kenzie is a street-wise P.I. who utilizes his knowing locals from school to help in the investigation. But this is no easy case, and the there are drug thugs, money, and liars around who complicate their work.

Language and violence give it the R rating, but this is well worth viewing. Ben Affleck's directorial debut, adapted from the Dennis Lehane novel, also stars Ed Harris, Morgan Freeman and Amy Ryan (in her first Oscar-nominated role for best supporting actress as the missing girl's mother).

Filem ini "agak" best. Unpredictable ending! As a parents, you will appreciate this movie more. I cried watching this movie okay! Cant stop thinking of my baby. peeps, go and watch this and lemme know whether u guys feels the same! Hehe...

So, thats how we spent our weekends as a separated-from-baby-parents. There will be another separated weekend (next week) before the 3 of us unite in the early April. Oh, please....let this be the last and only time of life-without-Aisyah. Am sooooo....addicted to her! Life without our little sweetie is dull, boring and surprisingly...SAD! I sobbed most of the times whenever I think about her. Day or night, weekdays or weekends, sunny or rainy days... are no fun without her roaring around the house.

Good nite everyone. Have a productive Monday tomorrow!

Footnote: All movie infos are from RottenTomatoes.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sudah beli!

Pada harga yang sungguhhhhhh...murah! Nasib baik belum oder online. Hehehe....Bukan nk pakai lama sgt pon. Sementara Aisyah blom boleh jalan jer. Asek kena pakaikan long pants kat dia. Sekarang sudah ada benda ini, boleh la saya pakaikan rompers kat dia, pastu covr her knees dgn mender nih. Tapi modelnya pulak tak der. Model sedang berada di kampung. Hehe... Sapa2 nk pesan, saya boleh tolong belikan. RM5 shj. Made in China taww...kekeke.

Host unlimited photos at slide.com for FREE!

Kat mana sayer beli? Hehehe...kat depan Pejabat Pos aka PID Rasa (Opis saya). Kat sini every morning ada pasar pagi. Macam-macam ada....! Hehe. Semlm masa nk park keta nampak org ramai2 kerumun satu Apek nih. Dia jual byk brg2 am mainly toys/stickers/books 'capailang' utk budak2. Sayer pon tumpang menyendat dan sudah nampak ini sarung kaki. Tanpa berfikir panjang (mcm lah selamani aku ni berfikir panjang! kekeke...) saya rembat 2 pasang!


Harini cuti. Baru siap kemas bilik. Debu sampai 14 tingkat. Heh! Sekarang bilik sudah bersih dan wangi. Barulah best nk 'bunuh setan' mlm ini. Anak kan kat kampung....ala2 honeymoon lah sekejap :))

Nak buat apa ya harini. Kalau ikut plan, nk pegi jumpa dentist. Nk repair gigi sayer yg dah semakin teruk. lubang sana sini dan semlm saya sudah notice some of my teeth mcm rapuh! Alamak...takotnya. Baru anak sorang dah tak cukup kalsium?? Tulah..sapa suh minum coffee byk2! (Im addicted to coffee..sangat2 addict!)

Saya mau tepek gambar Aisyah masa kami visit dia kat kampung last weekend. Let the pics speaks for themselves. Heh!

Kelakarnya muker Aisyah bgn tido.... rambut serabai!

Bawak Aisyah pi jalan-jalan...

Ni masa nk balik KL dah. Sedihnya tinggalkan dia time dia tido. Kalau dia tak tido, silap2 mama yg melalak menangis...huhuhu.

Dan ini invitation card to Birthday Aisyah.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birthday Girl : PART 1

Little Aisyah is going to be ONE YEAR in 12 days!

Mama sgt excited. Dalam tengah takde duit...berani jugak sayer mengidam kek birthday yg comel-comel mcm ni. Semua gambar ni diambil kat sini dan sini.

I thought this pic deserve a repeat with additional accessories!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Comel kan?

Rasa macam nak belikan untuk Aisyah....
More photos and design here

Friday, March 14, 2008

Transition Period. Be cool hokkay...

First time ever in 50 years y'all!

For the next 4 years Malaysia will be ruled by the oppositions (I know that BN wins the majority) But the scenario now was like soooo...kecoh, soooo gelabah as though BN dah kalah langsung. Some peoples seems to get panicked and cant stop complaining and criticizing the new lines up. Rileks lah....4 tawon bukan lama pon. Kalo rasa tok leh gi sgt2...use your power again in 2013! The transition period has caused macam2 reactions from the citizens. Some are those who never had any interest in politics! Its a good sign i think. Who says young Malaysian tak suker politics?? Hurmm.....

Those yang kalah...come on, this is not the end of the world hokkay...(KJ said this!). Its a good time for them to think back of WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, WHAT YOU HAVEN'T DONE AND WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE!

Mereka-mereka yang menang tu...ingatlah tanggungjawab yang terpikul di bahu. Bear in mind, its not only here okay... but you will be questioned again in the day after (akhirat). Kalau engko worang berjaya menunjukkan prestasi yang ADIL, BERSIH, CEKAP dan AMANAH gerenti engko worang dpt vote haku lagi in the next 4 years. Heheh....

Kepada yg tak menang dan tak kalah (rakyat jelata la kaedahnya...hehe) Berilah peluang utk kepimpinan baru ni perform. Kalau dulu kita boleh duduk diam dan bersatu (konon-kononnya) di bawah pemimpin2 yg sesetengahnya aku nilaikan sebagai pemimpin FASIK, kenapa skang tak leh cool down dan belakon (bagi worang2 yg mencikk giler kat oppositions nih) bersatu di bawah kepimpinan baruni.

INGAT, Manusia merancang (plan juta2 woo nk gula-gulakan worang Kelantan) namun PERANCANGAN ALLAH SWT lagi hebat. Segala yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.

Kalau ada Kelantanese yg baca posting haku nehh...sila kirim salam kat MB korang. Aku berharap, lepas ni akan ada lagi pemimpin yg tawadu' mcm Tuan Guru ni kat negeri2 lain.

To DAPs, please behave and dont be naughty okay! Jentik karanggg...!

These are some pics taken during election at my hometown.


Balik kg masa election, I have to leave Aisyah with my parents coz Nenek Onah ada duty lain. She have babysit her other grandsons at Subang coz dorang nyer bibik went back to Indon for 1 month. Sedey gilerkk hokkay...tinggalkan anak kat kampung. The first 3 days to memang sayer asek sok sek...sok sek...tingat kat baby. Somi ku lagik dasat...tido kena peluk bantal anak. Muahaha...but thank God, Aisyah adapt really well with her new enviro. Surprisingly, dia dah tak nangis tengok Mak Tok dgn Tok Ayah dia. Before this, tgok dorang mcm nampak alien okay... This weekend kami balik kampung lagi. Visit Aisyah...Ya Allah rindunya sayer..... Harap2 kami kuat iman. Aisyah have to stay at kampung until end of this month.

1st day pegi keje lepas election, Sayer lalu kat area Pasar Pagi kat depan Pejabat Pos and came across this cute hair clip. Terus nk menangis teringat kat Aisyah yang rambut dia selalu cucuk mata. I went straight and bought a packet for my baby. Masuk opis and quickly boh dlm envelope and mail to her... This was my very 1st letter to my doter!

Wonder whether surat ni sampai ke tak ekk... Everday tah baper belas kali sayer menalipon kampung tapi asek terlupa nk tanya about the hair clip! Aisyah dh mula kuat mkn now and refused to drink her milk as much as before. Alhamdulillah, anak mama dh nk makan. Jimat duit susu mama nak...hehe.

These are some pics taken a few days before balik kampung. My sis babysit her for 1 week but she has to went back kampung coz SPM result dah nk kuar that time. Thats the reason why we have to send Aisyah balik kampung.

Muker bangun tido...cukup suka kalau bawak jenjalan kat luar or naik tricycle kunin dier nih!

On my last day kat kampung. Masa ni Aisyah baru bgn from her afternoon nap. Kening dia yg merah tu suda kena geget dgn nyamuk! Muker monyok jer kan...

Aduhhh...Mama rindu banget sama Aisyah!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Where : PNB Ilham Resort - Port Dickson
When : 29 Feb - 2 Mar 2008
What for : KICK OFF - Penaiktarafan PID yang telah disalah erti oleh kami semua sebagai HARI KELUARGA

Semua org ingat event ni adalah Hari untuk kami semua bersenang lenang dan berendam di dalam kolam bersama-sama ahli keluarga. Maka semua Penyelia dan Penolong Penyelia berbondong-bondonglah dtg membawa ahli keluarga (nasib baik aku tak bawak mak mertua aku taw!) untuk menyesakkan resort tersebut. Ada yang sanggup dtg bawak anak umo 3 bulan sebab ingatkan boleh relax2. Tetapi malangnya.... hummmphh.... pasangan masing2 hanya mampu mengeram dalam bilik sensorang... kalau yg bawak anak-anak lagilah haru.... fenat melayan anak2 yg tak abis2 mengamuk nk terjun kolam!

Marah orang2 Kementerian baca posting aku nih. Well, thats the truth. Itulah yg most of all rasa about that get-away. Our schedules are full and packed with Seminars and project group, presentation, discussion bla..bla..bla.... Seriously, if I ever know that the schedule would be that packed, sumpah aku tak bawak laki aku dan anak kecik aku tu. Kasehan somi ku ..have to babysit our 11 months old doter for 3 days, while mama busy bersidang sampai tengah malam. Serious..sampai tgh malam you ollss..... Aku rasa kalau kami tak bawak ank bini, mesti kami jadi lebih produktif dalam course ni. Tapi dah jadi camni...haku mcm malas nk pikir nk perah otak kuarkan idea2 bernas aku. Asyik dok teringat kat anak aku kat hotel. Dah lah siap bawak pelampung, swimming suit bagai.... Anyway, thanks to kementerian dan pihak Wargo diatas penganjuran event ini.

Marilah kita menghiburkan hati menikmati gambar2 di bawah...

Upon arrival. Tunggu masa nk check in.

Ptg hari masa 1st day. Tengoklah muker Aisyah yg toye semacam sbb mama tak leh join dia. Mama sibuk bersidang nak.....

Dinner on 1st day. Ketung ketang anakku main sudu, ketuk meja... Lihatlah wajah somi ku yang sungguh sabar itu....

Breakfast on 2nd day. Aisyah tersangatlah buasnya sekarang..takmo dah duduk diam2 dalam highchair. Tengok...muker mama pon dh mula naik angin tu...heh! Somi ku lebih mithali dari aku!

Acara asal adalah sukaneka. Tukar jadi acara anekaragam sebab hari hujan. Tu yg gambar ramai2 atas pentas tu..kami tgh nyanyi lagu "Hoi Hoi Ya Hoi....Hoi Hoi Ya Hoi...." dengan tema IMPIANKU. Camana tu? abaikanlah......

2nd day. Lepas mandi pagi. Tengok...anak aku still muker toye. Wheres my mother??
Mama sibuk bersidang nak....

Sempat curi masa layan ank aku. Tak sempat nk pegi mana-mana nak. Meh sini mama cerita pasal BATU...ni batu sungai....warna putih...bla...bla..bla...

Tengok rambut anak aku. Macam resakser ler nak.... Somi ku berjaya menipu aku. Rupa-rupanya dia bawak jugak peralatan memancing dia. Kalau aku tau dari awal dia bawak btg pancing dia tu..sumpah aku suh dia kuarkan dr boot keter. Heh!

Wajah2 anakku yang terpaksa lebih banyak memerap dlm bilik. Bawak dia pi ngelat jalan depan pantai sampai aku lewat masuk next schedule. Hehehe.....

Masa Dinner on 2nd day. Perasan tak mata anakku sembab sebab menangis sampai selop. Puncanya...jatuh katil sampai benjol kepala. Aku laki bini punya la panic! Somi ku tgh solat, aku pulak tgh asyik mekap depan cermin yg membelakangi anak. Bedebuk! dah la katil tu tinggi. Sampai aku pon menangis sama.... cepat2 tuam dahi dia.

Aku dgn bebudak PID yang lain. Dalam ramai2 tu...ada sorang tu aku tak ingat/tak tau nama dia.... Gambar 1st, pakai tudung putih, duduk depan aku, pakai spek. Sumpah...aku tak ingat nama ko. Sapa nama ko ekk? Ko PID mana ekk? Tapi aku tetap geng dgn ko...hahahah....

Final Day. Tengok....muka anak aku happy giler sebab dah nak balik. Hehehe....Mama ku akhirnya selesai bersidang. Heh!

Balik dari PD, kami berdesup ke padang. Calon Be End datang berkempen. Opppss..kami bukan nk tengok calon ok...kami nk tengok team bola Selangor vs team bola kg Melayu Batu 16. Sapa menang? Heh...sendri mau ingat yer....

Nita Besut - Sebab bagi aku kopok lekor. Kelllass ko Mak Jah!
PID yg tuka hadiah dgn aku (aku lupa Penyelia atau Pen Penyelia) - Sbb aku dpt hadiah korang yg best. Produk tempatan yang berupa Bakul Rotan 4-segi yang sungguh unik. Maaflah, korang dpt hadiah aku yg tak best. Seterika yang aku beli di TESCO. Bukan produk tempatan..hehehe.
Hazira (Assistant aku) - Sebab berjaya membuat pembentangan ala2 salesman selama 10 pusingan berturut-turut semasa sessi pembentangan hasil usahawan dan produk pelancongan setempat. Bagus wei minah ni...sapa2 nk tackle dia, contact aku yer!
Urusetia (Pihak War. Global) - Sebab bagi aku bilik yg best dan strategik. Betul2 depan pool. Bukak jer pintu beranda, terus terjun pool. Heh!
Suami ku - Sebab berjaya menjadi somi dan ayah yang marvellous selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Mandikan anak, buatkan susu anak, basuh berak anak, suap makan anak, terjun pool dgn anak, tidokan anak...bla..bla...bla...