After finished packing our things for Langkawi as well as balik kampung trip, I went to Tesco (again...) alone (again...) Wanted to buy few more buffday stuff. But, instead of just buying paper plates and plastic fork and spoon, I also bought something that definitely will make my hubby angry (again. heheh..)
I cannot stand it okay...those things was really cute!

Little Aisyah will be wearing this on her buffday! Yeayyy!

And this shelf is for her toys.

Sneak preview of her gown. Simple jer kan? Anyway, I bought it last 2 weeks at Ikano.
Arrived home at about 6.35 pm. Quickly bathe, solat and dine. Tanpa memperdulikan Anugerah Bintang Fofular BH at tv3, I was like tertonggeng-tonggeng fixing that book shelf. Hubby as usual watching EPL football was Chelsea vs what...i dunno....
This is how that shelf looks like now! (with some of her toys in it). I placed it right beside our bed. Hubby said, dont be surprised if she wakes up at night and rearranging that toys again and again. Hahaha...

Top shelf. I call this Hungry Bee. Throw the ball into her mouth and funny sounds will come out. Her mickey tabung and softball.

3rd shelf. Her latest toys. FP Peek a blocks.

2nd shelf. Her Baby Jack (the one that similing with closed eyes), sesame street rattles (got 8 different sounds) and other small rattles plus that FP motorbike (forgot the name already!)

1st shelf. Her FP choo choo train, EON Bank tabung and also the battling tops game (recently bought at Mattel Warehouse Sale)

Hey! almost forgotten... Aisyah can walk already. Yeayyy... my sis sms me when I was busy with toys (as usual) at Tesco. Awww...sungguh terharu!
Oh ya...for those who interested to buy Tesco Activity Walker (like the one I bought for Aisyah) this is the best time for you to grab it. It is now selling at RM24.90! okay! It was RM49.90 when I bought it 2 months ago. Go go tomorrow! :D
I cannot stand it okay...those things was really cute!
Little Aisyah will be wearing this on her buffday! Yeayyy!
And this shelf is for her toys.
Sneak preview of her gown. Simple jer kan? Anyway, I bought it last 2 weeks at Ikano.
Arrived home at about 6.35 pm. Quickly bathe, solat and dine. Tanpa memperdulikan Anugerah Bintang Fofular BH at tv3, I was like tertonggeng-tonggeng fixing that book shelf. Hubby as usual watching EPL football was Chelsea vs what...i dunno....
This is how that shelf looks like now! (with some of her toys in it). I placed it right beside our bed. Hubby said, dont be surprised if she wakes up at night and rearranging that toys again and again. Hahaha...
Top shelf. I call this Hungry Bee. Throw the ball into her mouth and funny sounds will come out. Her mickey tabung and softball.
3rd shelf. Her latest toys. FP Peek a blocks.
2nd shelf. Her Baby Jack (the one that similing with closed eyes), sesame street rattles (got 8 different sounds) and other small rattles plus that FP motorbike (forgot the name already!)
1st shelf. Her FP choo choo train, EON Bank tabung and also the battling tops game (recently bought at Mattel Warehouse Sale)
Hey! almost forgotten... Aisyah can walk already. Yeayyy... my sis sms me when I was busy with toys (as usual) at Tesco. Awww...sungguh terharu!
Oh ya...for those who interested to buy Tesco Activity Walker (like the one I bought for Aisyah) this is the best time for you to grab it. It is now selling at RM24.90! okay! It was RM49.90 when I bought it 2 months ago. Go go tomorrow! :D