First time ever in 50 years y'all!
For the next 4 years Malaysia will be ruled by the oppositions (I know that BN wins the majority) But the scenario now was like soooo...kecoh, soooo gelabah as though BN dah kalah langsung. Some peoples seems to get panicked and cant stop complaining and criticizing the new lines up. Rileks lah....4 tawon bukan lama pon. Kalo rasa tok leh gi sgt2...use your power again in 2013! The transition period has caused macam2 reactions from the citizens. Some are those who never had any interest in politics! Its a good sign i think. Who says young Malaysian tak suker politics?? Hurmm.....
For the next 4 years Malaysia will be ruled by the oppositions (I know that BN wins the majority) But the scenario now was like soooo...kecoh, soooo gelabah as though BN dah kalah langsung. Some peoples seems to get panicked and cant stop complaining and criticizing the new lines up. Rileks lah....4 tawon bukan lama pon. Kalo rasa tok leh gi sgt2...use your power again in 2013! The transition period has caused macam2 reactions from the citizens. Some are those who never had any interest in politics! Its a good sign i think. Who says young Malaysian tak suker politics?? Hurmm.....
Those yang kalah...come on, this is not the end of the world hokkay...(KJ said this!). Its a good time for them to think back of WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, WHAT YOU HAVEN'T DONE AND WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE!
Mereka-mereka yang menang tu...ingatlah tanggungjawab yang terpikul di bahu. Bear in mind, its not only here okay... but you will be questioned again in the day after (akhirat). Kalau engko worang berjaya menunjukkan prestasi yang ADIL, BERSIH, CEKAP dan AMANAH gerenti engko worang dpt vote haku lagi in the next 4 years. Heheh....
Kepada yg tak menang dan tak kalah (rakyat jelata la kaedahnya...hehe) Berilah peluang utk kepimpinan baru ni perform. Kalau dulu kita boleh duduk diam dan bersatu (konon-kononnya) di bawah pemimpin2 yg sesetengahnya aku nilaikan sebagai pemimpin FASIK, kenapa skang tak leh cool down dan belakon (bagi worang2 yg mencikk giler kat oppositions nih) bersatu di bawah kepimpinan baruni.
INGAT, Manusia merancang (plan juta2 woo nk gula-gulakan worang Kelantan) namun PERANCANGAN ALLAH SWT lagi hebat. Segala yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
Kalau ada Kelantanese yg baca posting haku nehh...sila kirim salam kat MB korang. Aku berharap, lepas ni akan ada lagi pemimpin yg tawadu' mcm Tuan Guru ni kat negeri2 lain.
To DAPs, please behave and dont be naughty okay! Jentik karanggg...!
These are some pics taken during election at my hometown.

Balik kg masa election, I have to leave Aisyah with my parents coz Nenek Onah ada duty lain. She have babysit her other grandsons at Subang coz dorang nyer bibik went back to Indon for 1 month. Sedey gilerkk hokkay...tinggalkan anak kat kampung. The first 3 days to memang sayer asek sok sek...sok sek...tingat kat baby. Somi ku lagik dasat...tido kena peluk bantal anak. Muahaha...but thank God, Aisyah adapt really well with her new enviro. Surprisingly, dia dah tak nangis tengok Mak Tok dgn Tok Ayah dia. Before this, tgok dorang mcm nampak alien okay... This weekend kami balik kampung lagi. Visit Aisyah...Ya Allah rindunya sayer..... Harap2 kami kuat iman. Aisyah have to stay at kampung until end of this month.
1st day pegi keje lepas election, Sayer lalu kat area Pasar Pagi kat depan Pejabat Pos and came across this cute hair clip. Terus nk menangis teringat kat Aisyah yang rambut dia selalu cucuk mata. I went straight and bought a packet for my baby. Masuk opis and quickly boh dlm envelope and mail to her... This was my very 1st letter to my doter!

Wonder whether surat ni sampai ke tak ekk... Everday tah baper belas kali sayer menalipon kampung tapi asek terlupa nk tanya about the hair clip! Aisyah dh mula kuat mkn now and refused to drink her milk as much as before. Alhamdulillah, anak mama dh nk makan. Jimat duit susu mama nak...hehe.
These are some pics taken a few days before balik kampung. My sis babysit her for 1 week but she has to went back kampung coz SPM result dah nk kuar that time. Thats the reason why we have to send Aisyah balik kampung.
Muker bangun tido...cukup suka kalau bawak jenjalan kat luar or naik tricycle kunin dier nih!

On my last day kat kampung. Masa ni Aisyah baru bgn from her afternoon nap. Kening dia yg merah tu suda kena geget dgn nyamuk! Muker monyok jer kan...

Aduhhh...Mama rindu banget sama Aisyah!
Mereka-mereka yang menang tu...ingatlah tanggungjawab yang terpikul di bahu. Bear in mind, its not only here okay... but you will be questioned again in the day after (akhirat). Kalau engko worang berjaya menunjukkan prestasi yang ADIL, BERSIH, CEKAP dan AMANAH gerenti engko worang dpt vote haku lagi in the next 4 years. Heheh....
Kepada yg tak menang dan tak kalah (rakyat jelata la kaedahnya...hehe) Berilah peluang utk kepimpinan baru ni perform. Kalau dulu kita boleh duduk diam dan bersatu (konon-kononnya) di bawah pemimpin2 yg sesetengahnya aku nilaikan sebagai pemimpin FASIK, kenapa skang tak leh cool down dan belakon (bagi worang2 yg mencikk giler kat oppositions nih) bersatu di bawah kepimpinan baruni.
INGAT, Manusia merancang (plan juta2 woo nk gula-gulakan worang Kelantan) namun PERANCANGAN ALLAH SWT lagi hebat. Segala yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.
Kalau ada Kelantanese yg baca posting haku nehh...sila kirim salam kat MB korang. Aku berharap, lepas ni akan ada lagi pemimpin yg tawadu' mcm Tuan Guru ni kat negeri2 lain.
To DAPs, please behave and dont be naughty okay! Jentik karanggg...!
These are some pics taken during election at my hometown.
Balik kg masa election, I have to leave Aisyah with my parents coz Nenek Onah ada duty lain. She have babysit her other grandsons at Subang coz dorang nyer bibik went back to Indon for 1 month. Sedey gilerkk hokkay...tinggalkan anak kat kampung. The first 3 days to memang sayer asek sok sek...sok sek...tingat kat baby. Somi ku lagik dasat...tido kena peluk bantal anak. Muahaha...but thank God, Aisyah adapt really well with her new enviro. Surprisingly, dia dah tak nangis tengok Mak Tok dgn Tok Ayah dia. Before this, tgok dorang mcm nampak alien okay... This weekend kami balik kampung lagi. Visit Aisyah...Ya Allah rindunya sayer..... Harap2 kami kuat iman. Aisyah have to stay at kampung until end of this month.
1st day pegi keje lepas election, Sayer lalu kat area Pasar Pagi kat depan Pejabat Pos and came across this cute hair clip. Terus nk menangis teringat kat Aisyah yang rambut dia selalu cucuk mata. I went straight and bought a packet for my baby. Masuk opis and quickly boh dlm envelope and mail to her... This was my very 1st letter to my doter!
Wonder whether surat ni sampai ke tak ekk... Everday tah baper belas kali sayer menalipon kampung tapi asek terlupa nk tanya about the hair clip! Aisyah dh mula kuat mkn now and refused to drink her milk as much as before. Alhamdulillah, anak mama dh nk makan. Jimat duit susu mama nak...hehe.
These are some pics taken a few days before balik kampung. My sis babysit her for 1 week but she has to went back kampung coz SPM result dah nk kuar that time. Thats the reason why we have to send Aisyah balik kampung.
Muker bangun tido...cukup suka kalau bawak jenjalan kat luar or naik tricycle kunin dier nih!
On my last day kat kampung. Masa ni Aisyah baru bgn from her afternoon nap. Kening dia yg merah tu suda kena geget dgn nyamuk! Muker monyok jer kan...
Aduhhh...Mama rindu banget sama Aisyah!