Monday, September 22, 2008

TAG? Permainan apekah ini?

Sudah kena TAG by Fara aka Mommy Kyra. Ohhh... boleh tahan menyengat soklan2 di bawah ini... Hehehe...bakal menyingkap personaliti sorang pompuan/ mak/ bini yg poyo. kih kih kih....

Dalam banyak2 soklan ni, saya nk jawab yg last tu dulu 'TAG other people' hehehe....

Orang-orang berikut, sila jawab soklan2 TAG ini dan SOALAN-SOALAN TAMBAHAN berikut. Compulsary okehh!

1. PIJA aka CT SIFIR - Soklan tambahan untuk anda :
Do you mine, sharing your man with other woman? Hahahaha...jawab...jgn tak jawab.

2. MR ZUHAIRY aka AYAH PIA - Soklan tambahan untuk anda :
If your wife earn more than yourself, will you sacrifice your job, to take care of your own kid(s) and be a fulltime house-husband?

3. AZIMAH aka MELATI PUTIH - Soklan tambahan untuk anda :
If you earn more than him (your hubby), will you dare asking him to quit his job to take care of your own kid(s) and be a fulltime house-husband?

Dan berikut ini adalah soalan-soalan lazim...sila copy & paste di blog anda. Nanti Cikgu Rehan nk check homework korang!

First Name: RAIHAN
Nickname: AN
Birthday: JULY 4, 1979
Time of Birth: CANT REMEMBER
Zodiac Sign: CANCER

–This or That–

Flower or Chocolate: CHOC

Pepsi or Coke: VANILLA COKE hehe...

Pop or Rock: BOTH

Relationship or One Night Stand: RELATIONSHIP

School or Work: SCHOOL - muder siot!!

Love or Money: MONEY of cos...

Movies or Music: BOTH

Country or City: COUNTRY

Sunny days or Rainy days: RAINY - umah den tarak ekon!

Friends or Family: BOTH

-Have you ever-

Smoked: YUP! kecek my bro punya cigar...nk gak rasa high kan..hehe

Broke someone’s heart: YUP...byk kali.... sebab sayer kan jahat!! (bukan patahkan hati jantan semata-mata yer... org lain pon ada gaks)

Had your heart broken: YUP. Padan muka!!

Wish you were a prince/princess: NEVER!!

Liked someone who was taken: Errrr.....

Shaved your head: NEVER

Been in love: YUP.....

Used chopsticks: YUP, tapi tunggang langgang la...

Sang in the mirror to yourself: NEVER! syok sendiri ke hapa...


Candy: No specific one, coz tak suka sgt

Song: Currently..nursery rhymes

Scent: Belasah jer..jgn tengik sgt dah...

Musical Instrument: piano maybe...

Movie: Serius punya cerita, realistic

Actor/Actress: Yg belakon cerita2 yg sayer suka... (refer soklan sebelum ini)

Junk food: semua pon bedal...

Animal: fish only. tu pon takder la suka sgt...am not animal lover..

Ever cried over someone: Sure la weyy....

Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself: I wish I could be a COOL person...

Do you think you’re attractive: Aah (perasan kah aku??)

you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose: Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah...Habis lunyai haku belasah Bawang putih tu!

you play any sports: YUP. Lari berganti-ganti mengejar Mencah dlm mall...

List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (some) people :

1) Redah jer...

2) Outspoken

3) Appreciate others

4) Bawak keta, sure ngantuk!

5) Pendendam. I'll forgive..but never forget...

6) Indipendent

7) I didnt cook!

8) Garang!
