Friday, July 25, 2008

Snippets of Mencah

Blogger sangat lah lambat. Bubuh 2 dulu..another 2 coming up soon.


'Giraffe' ku lari gagah berani...!!

Ptg tadi, check balance account...ehhh...apsal jadi banyak? Owhh..gaji dah masuk. Hehehe... pantang ada duit..mula la pikir apa nk beli. Mulanya nk singgah BB KimWah kat Rawang ni sbb nk beli harness utk Aisyah. (Zell kata nk bagi, tapi cari tak jumpa2 ler tu...) Sekali nampak pulak cik zirafah ni atas rak. Belek2 harga...sgt okeh bebanding little tikes punya. Last unit lak tu. Cash takder nih...tanya SA, credit card accepted for purchases of rm 50 and above kata dia. Selesai masalah...hehe.

Kuar dr BB Kim Wah, ada org jual durian. Lama sgt dah teringin nk makan durian, tunggu En. Somi belikan tak jugak dapat. Sendiri beli, sendiri kopek, sendiri makan. Selesai masalah...hehe. Beli 20 hengget dpt 8 bijik. Semua elok. Alhamdulillah...boleh la my fil mkn durian puas2. Mkn dgn nasi sedap taww!

Sampai jer umah, my MIL kata Mencah asik merengek-rengek. Nak ajak keluar lah tu. These few days, tiap petang saya bawak Aisyah 'drive' keta. Yesss..Aisyah yg drive. She sit on my lap while Im driving. Sangat merbahaya...tahu...hehe. Malas nk pasang carseat. pusing2 keliling kg melayu jer...

Bila saya bukak jer sliding door, Mencah dah dtg terpa! Hulur tgn mintak dukung. Then bila saya kuarkan zirafah ni dari keta, excited terus! Botol susu letak tepi, terus panjat naik. Lepas tu dia asyik main Zirafah ni sampai maghrib. Minum susu pon atas nih!

Tengok TV...

Tengok mama...

Ambik botol...

Bersandar kat situ...

My little monster watching CERIA. Time iklan jer suka pon...

Gerak Geri Gasing

Tom Tom Bak

Scene from Tom Tom Bak. Ada girls dancing. Dia ponnnn....


Iklan dah abis...back to my giraffe.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Mama Mencah tak leh nk enterprem dlm gambar. Sememeh sgt. Resdung makin teruk. On that day, bersin terukkkk sgt. Sampai merah2 muka. Gatalll sgt idung, mata, telinga. Huhuhu...bila nk pi jumpa specialist nih...asek bertangguh jer. Rongak hidung baru tau...

So, Babah lah jadi pengapit setia si little mermaid nih. While mama ambik peranan jadi mamarazzi....

klick at photos utk enlarge.

The next day ~ Sunday.

Nk upload video, tapi tak sanggup tunggu... slow sgt blogger skang nih....
Next time lah!

And, this is a tribute to our beloved hubby / daddy who is currently away.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Warning. Dont try this at home!

I was busy upstairs-doing some housework when suddenly I heard 'kecoh-kecoh' kat bawah. Dengar nenek Onah panggil hubby suh dtg tengok aksi Mencah. Hubby at that time was having dinner kat dapo. He asked me to come down with the camera. I went down straight and saw this...

Dengan selambanya...sambil tengok TV

OK, now show mama how you did this!

Very easy lah mama. You just climb from behind, then push your leg one by one through this hole. But mama, please dont try this... you'll break my walker!

OK thats enough! I am no Paris Hilton okay...
Ma, you are just like a mamarazzi lah!

Then, soon after...while me and hubby was busy surfing the net, she was caught doing this!

Ooopps...I was caught in the act again!

Ma..please...dont scold me okay...

Mama ni tak kasi can langsung tau...

I noticed that Aisyah got easily bored with something. She can only concentrate playing or doing one activity for a few minutes before she got distracted and turn to something else. Be it books, dolls, toys or even watching TV. She prefers to moves around rather than just sit and playing with teddy bears like other girls usually did. Ball is her fav, others would be climbing sofas and stairs and doing stunt action with her gears. She is very boyish I could say. Did your girls also behave like this?


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am still and always be addicted to HER

A few days back hubby suddenly uttered this : Mama ni sejak dah busy bisnes, dah tak addict to Aisyah kan.... he was saying that while comforting Aisyah yang tgh meronta-ronta nk ajak keluar. He was hinting. Its been a while since my last postings here.

Hubby was now a regular visitor to this blog! :) He used to be silent reader...but now he read out loud. Hahaha... kidding. I think he misses my writings (perasan).

I admit - I dah lama sgt tak update blog Mencah ni. And I admit, I was super busy with my BIZKIZZ. But, that doesnt mean that I have ignored Aisyah. Not in any ways. She is still my top priority, my favourite, my angel, my sweetheart, my everything! Even tho I didnt type it here, her every single milestone was all archived in my mind. I watched her closely everyday... having fun together singing and learning and dancing and acting and sightseeing and everything!

Apart from my busyness with BIZKIZZ, there are another reason why I didnt update this blog. Our beloved CASIO digicam ran out of battery. And the charger plak tertinggal kat kampung. Huhuhu.... mana best buat entry without pics rite?? And last week my dad dah post that charger back to me. Tapi still tak berkesempatan nk snap our little monter's pics. So, there will be no pics in this entry. Heh! bosan kan?

Aisyah is now 1 year, 3 months and 2 weeks old.

She just recovered from a really-really bad teething fever. Gosh..its the worse so far. Huru hara mama dan babah tau. Worried sgt-sgt. suhu 38.5 - so doc terus bagi ubat ikut anal. She threw up kat klinik-menangis sampai selop sbb takut dgn Dr Bhagwant Singh! hahaha...Doktor tu pakai turban busarr... janggut sama misai banyak lebat...mcm mana lah Mencah tak melalak. Funny tho. Doktor nk cek dia pon payah. Melekat kat Babah. Lagi tragis, mama pon demam jugak haritu. Both of us demam at the same time sampai Doc insist to buat blood test kalau kami tak recovered by Friday. For me, maybe sbb kurang tidur tapi terlebih makan. Hahaha... Memang tak larat. Bilik penuh dgn kain muntah Aisyah. Our shirts jgn katalah kan..rasanya sampai 3, 4 kali tukar shirts sbb asek kena muntah. Aisyah tanak minum or makan. Maybe sbb gum and tounge dh kena ulser sbb panas badan. Sedih betul tengok..air liur meleleh-leleh. Nak berdiri pon goyang-tak der energy coz tak makan. Malam pertama dia demam tu memang nightmare for us. Menangis tak henti2. Sampai ingat nk bawak jumpa bomoh tau. Nasib baik, the next day tu hubby dah apply leave. So, hubby yg kena korban tido dan layan Aisyah sampai pagi. By Saturday she was getting better and fully recovered by Sunday. So, that Sunday, we took her out to TESCO Selayang (tempat biasa kami...)

I also have a err...dunno whether its good news or what... I passed my DPLI exam. Was listed for interview at UPSI on July 22nd. A monsterly teacher in the making.... We'll talk about it after the interview. Whatever, wish me luck!

Aha... I really want to mention this here. Hehehe...

A dedication to my beloved hubby.

He's been so supportive, understanding, sporting, outgoing, caring and amazing to me and my BIZKIZZ. Having him giving full support towards my business was the last thing that I would ever expect from him! He really amazed me. He took leave to accompany me to meet the suppliers, giving constructive ideas, helping me promoting my stuff to her colleagues (and, it contributed to my most sales!) and the best part is... he bought a canopy, compatible table and also a battery generated lamp for my booth. Aduhai abang, ketahuilah..sesunguhnya saya sangat terharu! Thank you soooo much!!

Ok olls..thats a wrap! Bye...