Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cerita semalam...

Thanks to Oli for the present. Sangatlah gurlie dress yg Oli hadiahkan utk Mencah tu....

Thanks to Zell sbb belanja mkn KFC semlm. Hehehe... masa merendek dgn Zell kat Tg malim, ternampak kuda kepang nih... kekeke...sgt lah chomell ....
tapi harganya tak berapa nk chomel...RM 149! Tapi...rasa mcm dah bekenan sgt2... nk bagi Mencah naik...

OK tak ekk? Mahal sgt tak RM 149 tu ekk? Ala...nnt mesti encik Somi saya marah...membazir... huhu...

Dan ini pulak gambo hero merembess Puan Zell...heheh. Excited nk ikut untie Rehan jalan-jalan naik keta kontot.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New items in town!!

Hello everyone!

Ni nk promote sikit aksesori-aksesori terbaru. Imported from China. For further infos, kindly visit my MONEY blog here

Ni brooch. Harga belum decide, but your comments are most welcome!

Yang ni plak bracelet-bracelet kristal yg terbaru. Also imported from China. Kalau nk tau product code dan harga, klik kat callout box, sebelah kiri-bawah.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Stressful weekdays and joyful weekend

It has been a week since I last blogged. I was away for 5 days entrepreneurship course at Melaka from 21 - 25 April.

5 stressful days!

I went there with mild flu-fever and come back with a greater 'diseases'!
Fever + Flu + Blocked and runny nose (a really bad one!) + Cough + Phlegm + Sore throat.
And, not forgetting my mood swing due to menstruation and the hot weather.

I shall not mention any further about 'that course'. Let it flow.... we'll see how far it goes....


These 2 days (weekends), I've been continuously changing and arranging my blog design. I didn't get the feel to blog although I have a lot to tell.

Finally, here am I with loads of photos!

Oh ya, I should mention about my blog's background-to avoid any harm on copyright issue. All of them (the page background, main bar's, and the side bar's) was taken from Shebby Princess website. I actually wanted to try scrap-booking but dont have the necessary tools - photoshop.


Aisyah is now 1 year and 3 weeks old. She is mastering her walking skills now (and running also!) Yesterday, we finally managed to fulfill our promises to her - brought her out for outdoor activities. We have been telling her about going to Taman Metropolitan Kepong ever since she cant walk. And yesterday, the time has come...She was asking for the 'payment'! Since morning this 'little monster' made so many tricks to get our attention. She refused to sleep (her normal schedule usually includes 1-2 hour nap in the morning and afternoon) and she makes us both tortured by 'roaring' around the house! She messed at the kitchen, dirtied her foots at the between-couch corner, flip over my laundry basket (with folded clothes in it!), showing off her stunt skills-climbing and jumping, and screaming and fighting during her diaper changing!
And finally, she got it!

Aisyah was extremely excited with the trip. She was walking, and runing, and clapping, and babbling, and pointing, and waving... and everything!

Here's more....

And more....

Video of Aisyah walking around, trying to make friends and grabbing people's kites! (Abg, i think next time you need to buy 1 for her!)

Walking straight. Clapping.

And, this is her on the 'springhorse' (what do we call this eh?)

Experiencing the slides!

We will definitely go there again.

Aisyah, next time... please make sure you got enough sleep before outing okay...
So, you won't end up like this...

Sleepy head!

Monday, April 21, 2008



Hello semua.... nk promote my another blog here - in the midst of classifieing it. But, generally it's all about my experiences on products/services/sales/training and stuff like that... that I would like to share with everyone.

Semangat nk meniaga dah membara semula...ekekekek...

Dulu blog tu tempat i jual lady's and baby's apparels (am still doing it tho...) and now with additional infos on business or entrepreneurship that I went through.

Everyones welcome!

Hurrrmmm... should i call it MONEY BLOG??

click here----> http://bizkizz.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Trim rambut

Balik dari kerja semlm Aisyah tengah tido dlm buai. Noticed something weird...huhuhu...Atuk Acan sudah trim rambut Mencah sesedap rasa. Sebab rambut dia asik mencucuk mata. And my SIL tak abih2 telling us to trim her hair sebab dia kata nanti budak jadi juling! Errmmm..nilah pertama kali dengar pantang larang mcm nih. Alasan dia, nnt jurai2 rambut tu akan block pandangan budak. They tend to move their eyes..left and right...left n right..to avoid that hair (fringe) so, thats how they will become juling! Malas nk cakap apa... diam jerlah. Rambut anak dia sendiri tanak pulak dia trim. Alasan, rambut anak dia tak cucuk mata. Boleh gitu?

My curly baby, looks funny!

This is her latest 'peel'. Suka sangat isap puting botol kosong sambil practice berjalan. Funny tengok... Accidents happened few times when she tersembam with the bottle in her mouth. Sakit lah gigi dgn bibir dia tu! Maklumlah...berjalan pon masih ala2 Robocop....

These below photos was taken a few days before her birthday party. Karenah Aisyah sambil minum susu...

She will kangkang2 kaki mcm ni...

Pastu, she will pintal2 bantal atau kain kat ujung kepala mcm ni...

Excited 'baca' bed-time story book yang Suffiya hadiahkan....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Photos and more photos of buffday party...

I know ramai yg tertunggu2 gambar buffday Mencah yg tak seberapa nih. So, I try upload sikit2 dulu ekk. Malas nk upload satu2, so I use the picasa slideshow with the enlarged frame. Hik hik hik..punya lah besar frame sampai terkeluar dr margin! Senang korang nk tengok 'kebesaran' Mama Mencah..hehe...Some of the photos were captioned and some are not (sebab dh malas..hehe) So, to view caption, place your cursor at the callout - below, left side of the slideshow frame.

Until now rumah blom habis kemas. Mlm tadi sampai tgh mlm me n hubby berkemas, pon tak habis2 jugak! aduhhh... And I told hubby:We will be doing 'this thing' again only in 5 years time! Penat gilerrrr...... So, rugilah sape2 yg tak dtg semalam! hehe....

Morning and afternoon before the Buffday event took place. Sangatlah sibuk.... Tukang sibuk lagi lah ramai drp org2 yang sepatutnya sibuk. hehe...

The food. Malangnya kami terlupa nk snap food masa dah serve elok2 atas meja. Both me and hubby busy entertaining the guests sampai lupa sgt2 nk snap gambar. Ada banyak lagi gambar2 makanan yg kami tak snap gambar. Only when Ibu Pia took out her camera, then baru kami teringat that we are supposed to take as many photos for Aisyah to view in future...Meh nk list foods on that day - chocolate and blueberry muffin (thanks to my SIL, Endak), Karipap pusing, kuih apam, chicken nugget, laksa penang, mihun goreng (yg ini jer yg Mama Mencah masak. hehe..) soto dan nasik impit, kuah kacang, rendang ayam minang style (most favourite on that day!), air sarsi, nata de coco (coctail) and... itu jer kut. Hehehe... Sajer jer gatal tgn nk bold kan kisah makanan nih... biar org2 yg tak dpt dtg tu rasa nyesal...hehehe. Jgn marah ekk ibuk2 sekalian. Macamlah sedap sgt makanan2 tu ..kekeke...

The guests. Ramai lagi mine and my hubby's friends yang kami lupa nk ambik gambar. Sibuk ke hulu kehilir jumpa org tu...tegur org ni...layan org tu... Tambah pulak Aisyah sgt tak sporting these few days. Meragam dan asyik nk attach to Mama and/or Babah. Siksanya nk bergerak...dah la payah nk bawak badan yg besar ni lagi...anak pulak asyik nk berdukung. Anyway, kepuasan hati para tetamu lebih penting...(ayat nk cover rasa nyesal...hehe)

Okay-okay...I know ada yg rasa blom cukup kan..hehe..ala2 perasan glamer jap kami 3 beranak nih. Ahaks... OK Puan Aqis...ada byk lagi gamba (tak de la byk sgt actually) yg blom di upload. Malam2 karang lah sambung. Mencah dh ek ek ek.. kat bawah nun. Dah ngantuk kot. Nak buat susu jap... Nanti sambung ekkk.... Meh nk bagi hint sikit... next photos will be cutting cake caremony (perasan mcm anak raja plaks! hehe..), presents (tima kasih semua...) and... apa lagi ekk...? Laterrrr! heh....


Ni ha dia...acara potong kek. Lepas nyalakan candle, angin sgt kuat bertiup lalu lilin padam sendiri. Hehe...so, kami malas nk light up candle semula. Lagipun, tak baper baik sebenarnya tiup2 lilin ni kan...apart from not our budaya as a muslim, my mom actually sgt pantang tiup lilin or pelita or mancis. Dulu2 masa kecik2 kalau time blackout pakai lilin, pastu bila tetiba letrik dah ada...my mom akan cepat2 kipas lilin tu dgn tangan (nk padamkan) sbb dia tanak bagi kami semua tiup api tu. Reason, takut gelap hati.... Wallahu'alam...

Some of this photos I curik dari blog Hanisofia. Hehehe.... Tengkiu yer Nor...

Muka buffday gurl yang tak semenggah. She is not well and soooo...meragam! Actually a night before the party, demam dia dtg balik. We woke up at 4.00 am and noticed that her body was warm (or I should say hot) gelabah sekejap. And she was like merengek-rengek. Cepat2 basahkan kepala dan badan dia and wrap her body with a wet towel. Pagi2 buta tu jugak kami paksa dia mkn ubat. Meronta-rontalah Mencah di subuh dinihari itu..hehehe... Towards the end of the party, bila guests dah mula surut, baru dia nampak okay sikit. Anti-sosial agaknya anak aku nih?? Hehe... budak yg bergambar dgn Mencah kat kusi tu...anak my hubby's friend. Ilham nama nya. So, Zell .... sila ambil perhatian ekk.... Mencah telah mendapat pengganti boipren nyer yg telah melarikan diri ke kampung. hik hik hik....

The presents. Walaupon Mama Mencah sudah warning siap2 kat semua jemputan...ramai jugak yg masih degil dok bawak2 hadiah bagai... Bukan tak suka...tapi tak syok lah korang ni...org jemput suh makan2 jer.... Anyway, kami sangat2 menghargainya...

Well thats all about Aisyah's buffday. Thanks to all the guests yg sudi hadir. Kami sgt happy sebab akhirnya niat nk buat makan2 dan jamu kengkawan akhirnya tercapai. Dah dekat 2 tahun kami kawin, but this is the 1st time ever kami buat majlis mkn2 mcm ni. Open haouse raya pon tak penah buat.Kalau ada kekurangan atau terkasar bahasa dari Mama dan Babah Mencah atau pon dari Mencah sendiri..kami mohon maaf banyak2. Maklumlah...amatur... nanti kalau 2nd , 3rd, 4th time jadi organizer barulah perfect! Tapi mcm dh serik jer nk buat majlis kat umah. Next time kami sewa restoran, clubhouse or hotellah pulak... senang... makan, makan dan makan...pastu tak yah kemas2 Hahaha.... Mau kena fire dgn laser gaban kalau Babah Mencah tau saye berangan nk buat majlis kat hotel! Ahahahahaha...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hehehe...preview sikit

Sgt girlie kan....sweet surrender gitu. Hahaha..... BTW, this photo was taken in my car, right after I got it from Sha. Risau takut nanti anything bad happen to the cake (KL jem giler semlm) and I was such a-not-so-careful driver..hehe... So, here it is..the very 1st pic of the cake.
Thanks to Sha and Vanillapod. I luurrrve it!

Aisyah's cousins, unties - preparing the goodies. Excited tol budak2 nih! Mcm nk raya or kenduri kata diorang. Hehehe...

Nenek Onah yg kepenatan memasak sepanjang hari. Terima Kasih nenek....

Atuk Acan pon memeriahkan acara lewat mlm. Tgh flip thru old photos. Looking for a 'special photo' of my hubby, wearing red sweater that he (my hubby) claimed that he looked 'exactly like her doter'. Elleh..nk eksen dgn mama lah tu...konon2 anak dia copycat muker dia..hehe....

Babah - entertaining her doter. My doter not so used to sleep late. But last nite...pecah rekod!

And...this is the 'reason' of all above! We love you dear....

With this, we would like to welcome everyone. See you soon....

Friday, April 11, 2008

Video clips

Mama..believe me..I can walk oredi! But why this clip like this? why melintang mama?
Adehhh...mama tatau camana nk edit la nak...layan jerlah!

Beach walk at Langkawi wif Babah. Mama yg siksa nk sorong stroller...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Map

Attached is the invi card with the map. Klik kat gambor tu, nanti ada magic berlaku...gambo jadik besor! hehehe.... Map tu my hubby scan dari kad jemputan kahwin mak bapak Mencah dulu. Sebab tu ada tulis "rumah pengantin" hahaha...abaikan ekk....

Ada 2 cara nk dtg Rawang :

1. From SELAYANG. Terus dan terus sampai jumpa pasar borong selayang...pastu lalu Templer Park... nanti jumpa Traffic Light PERTAMA selepas Templer Park tu....ambik kanan. Kat sebelah kanan akan nampak KFC. Lepas tu ambik kiri...dan terus... nanti sebelah kanan akan nampak deretan kedai2. Pastu nampak Pasaraya SAKAN. Terus...dan terus...ikut jer map tu akan jumpa Lorong Sentosa 3. hehe...kacang jerk!

2. From PLUS HIGHWAY. Kuar dari tol terus ambik kanan. Terus dan terus sampai jumpa Traffic light dekat Sek Seri Garing sebelah kiri. Lepas traffic light tu ... ambik lane paling kanan dan naik fly over. Kat traffic light fly over tu belok kanan dan turun fly over. Now you are heading to KL. Terus jer ...sampai jumpa 2 kali traffic light. Lepas traffic light yg KEDUA, bawak slow2 sikit...sbb nanti anda akan nampak pintu gerbang kg melayu batu 16 kat sebelah kiri. Masuk kat situ dan belok kiri. Cari jer lorong sentosa 3.... Kalau terlepas pintu gerbang, no worries... nanti jumpa traffic light depan KFC, ambik kiri pastu belok kiri lagi...dan carik jer lorong sentosa 3... Kacang jugak kan??


Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Sayer membuat jemputan ikhlas okay... so please..please.... DONT TROUBLE YOURSELF WITH PRESSIE MESSIE.... serius nihh... nk ajak korang makan2 jerk nih...

kalau u olls tak dpt datang takper... jgn gatal tgn nk beli2 hadiah, nk pos2 hadiah okay.... tidak akan di layan.... Tolong jgn buat Mak Mencah rasa bersalah huhuhu....

Nota kaki : Fara ni degil taww...... cubit nanti!

Monday, April 7, 2008


To all my friends and their families, you are cordially invited to memeriahkan acara makan-makan kat rumah Nenek Onah on below date and venue:

Date : 12 April 2008
Time : 3 pm
Venue : 137 lorong Sentosa 3, Kampung Melayu Batu 16, 48000 Rawang
For : Belated Buffday makan-makan for Aisyah

Takde apa yg special sgt (please dont expect anything extravaganza on that day :P) just to meng'havoc'kan suasana petang dengan telatah anak-anak. Sort of parents and kids get together. merapatkan Silaturrahim... Dont feel obliged to buy present/gift etc. Korang sudi datang pon kami dah cukup happy...Listed here are some of your names, kalau u olls perasan sayer ader miss saper2, please...please....inform me or just ajak jer org tu on behalf of me okay. Sayer sudah tua...ingatan dah tak berapa bagus! Kekekeke....

  1. Nieza
  2. Mieja
  3. Azimah
  4. Elly aka Bblicious
  5. Beep
  6. Adik
  7. Eynda
  8. Farah Sahira
  9. Ani aka Ladymarmalaide
  10. Ila
  11. Lela
  12. Shima
  13. Kak Long
  14. Juju
  15. Isra
  16. Sha
  17. Pot
  18. Intan
  19. Zell
  20. Zuhairy
  21. Syanie
  22. Agie
  23. Dzu
  24. Olie
  25. Fara
  26. Erda
  27. Hazira
Appreciate kalau u olls sudi RVSP latest by this Thursday. Boleh la kami prepare enuff food. hehehe.....

buzz me at ym : raihan790
mobile : 012-2658595
email : raihan790@yahoo.com

toche! toche! toche!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

We are back!!


Hello peeps! We are back!! Yesss... all 3 of us are now together again. Seminggu tak melayari internet (pinjam ayat Yong Yi Wang! haha...) terasa hambar dunia batinku. Heh!

Heheh...penat pon tak habis lagi. But, I cant wait until tomorrow to post this sooo...long awaited entry. This is our first entry after her 1st birthday. I am now a 'mother' again!! Yeaay!! we've got our 'little monster' back! Dan dia tengah tidur dgn aman damai bersama babahnya di dalam bilik (well, hubby of cos not sleeping yet. Sedang membalas dendam menonton channel 811, 812, 813 bla..bla..bla... setelah seminggu 'berpisah' dgn remote Astro kesayangannya tu...

There will be loads and loads of pics and video clips soon.

We went balik kampung and Holiday to Langkawi. Heh, sungguh jakun kami laki bini.... umo dah nk dekat 30 tahun, baru merasa jejak tanah Langkawi. Hehehe...

Kami bertolak ke kampung hari Isnin 31 March - 2 days before her buffday. On her buffday, we tot of doing sort of mini celebration with my family kat kampung. Tapi tak terlaksana coz tak jumpa kedai kek! Well, we were looking for muslim made cake BTW. Bukan nk racist ke aper okay.... tapi kalau kat KL ni walaupon non muslim yg buat kek, diorang ada cert halal JAKIM kan. Kalau kat Parit Buntar, payah sikitla... So, calling all viewers/readers/bloggers out there esp. those who have interest in cooking, baking etc. please consider Parit Buntar as your potential market ehh... jenuh haku round satu parit Buntar cari kedai kek tak jumper!

Ni masa 1st day kami sampai kampung. Mcm nk menangis tengok Aisyah dah berjalan! Gambar pakai baju belang ni sungguh weird muker dia kan? Hahaha....

On her buffday. Sorry sayang. Hujung mingguni kita celebrate ekk. Mama cari kek tak jumpa...

Happy nya tengok Aisyah dah tak nangis dengan Mak Tok & Tok Ayah dia. Manja kemain....

The next day (3rd April) we started off our journey to Kedah. We drove to Alor Setar, parked at Jetty Kuala Kedah (RM 10 per day = RM30 for 3 days!) Bought 2 adult tickets to Langkawi (RM 23 per person = RM 46 for two!) and, by 1 pm something we arrived langkawi. The journey was about 1 hour and half. Aduhhh...sangatlah panas cuaca di sana. Saksikan aktiviti bergambar di bawah. Kalau nk tengok magic, klik kat gambar, nanti collage jadi besar! Hehehe....

On the way to Langkawi. Wajah2 co-pilot dalam keter.

At jetty dan dalam ferry. She refused to sleep! excited yg amat. Luckily tak meragam. Aisyah sekarang sgt playfull! (Abaikan lengan mama yg mcm batang balak tu yer)

View masa mula2 sampai jetty Kuah dan gambar little moster masa baru masuk hotel. Dia tengah observe, apa nk 'kemas' kat dalam bilik tu nanti. Heh!

Venue pertama yang kami terjah. Underwater world. Ermmmm...tak best sgt lah!

Ni antara haiwan2 yg ader. Arnab ada, burung pon ada. Haku pon tatau apa relevannya arnab dgn burung-burung tu kepada konsep underwater world tu. belasah jer lah... harga tiket pon boleh tahan mahalnya tau!

Kuar dari Underwater World, hubby ajak cari penyakit kat Pantai Cenang. Mana taknya, punyalah siksa nk tolak stroller Aisyah kat pasir. Adoih..penat tau. Kebetulan, during our visit, ada Water Festival kat Langkawi. And it was held at Cenang Beach. Semuanya kebetulan. We stayed at Aseania Resort Langkawi located at Cenang Beach. Ramainya umat! Masa tu dok terbayang gak, kalau la jadi Tsunami..... Nauzubillah...

Aisyah excited sangat2! Dah la dapat belon DIGI. Pegang belon tu tanak lepas. Siap di cakar2 belon tu. Kita yg naik seriau takut belon tu pecah.

Ni 2nd day. Aisyah tak boleh berenggang dgn babah. Babah dlm bathroom, dia ketuk pintu dari luar. Takut sgt kalau babah tinggal dia. Masa breakfast, bagi dia makan puas2 sebelum bawak dia terjun pool. Duduk dalam highchair tu tak sampai 10 minit. Lepas tu dia sibuk nk cruising
from one chair to another...

Lepas tu....splash!

2 beranak yang ala2 lupa daratan! Haha...

Lepas mandi pool, kami visit bird paradise. Original plan nk pegi naik kabel car. Tapi ada maalah teknikal. kabel car tutup plak. Once again, walaupon nama tempat tu BIRD PARADISE, ada jugak haiwan2 yg bukan BIRD yang kami jumpa. Buaya ada, monkey pon ada. Turtle ada, tortoise pon ada. Sang kancil pon ada! Layan jerlah.... tiket mahal jugak yg ini pon!

Dan ini antara haiwan2 yg ada kat situ.

Ni gambar aktiviti senggang. Konon2 nk shopping di Pekan Kuah, Aisyah sampai tertidur dalam dokongan. Kesian tengok dia, kami shopping ala kadar jer. Sebagai upah sebab Aisyah sgt behave...petang tu bawak dia mandi pool sekali lagi. Dan malam tu, terus 'pengsan' kepenatan! Korang buat2 tanampak lah spare tyre ku itu yerrr. Heh!

Last day. Masa nk check out dari hotel.

'Membasahkan ketiak' kat Dataran Lang sebelum balik. Ya Allah....panasnya. Terkebil-kebil bijik mata tahan panas. Pukul 12 tengahari time tu. Risau jugak takut Aisyah demam. Tapi sebab helang besar ni kira mercu tanda Langkawi kan..kami tahan jugaklah berpanas sebab nk tangka gambar

Gambar sebelum bertolak dari Kampung. Sedihnya Mak Tok nk berpisah dengan cucu 'buas' dia nehh.... Cukup dulu for now. Dah pukul 2 am!! Esok keja..... Nanti kalau free, I will upload video clips pulak! Addict tak hengat nih. Heh!