Nak mula yg mana dulu ekk?
Oh ya, pasal Mencah yg kena diarrhea - Alhamdulillah, she's getting better. Rasanya dah tau punca... my hubby admitted that he gave Mencah a slice of cheese yg actually still within the expiry date tapi dah lama tersadai dlm fridge. One thing, Mencah lurvvvess cheese to the max. Kalau dilayan, dia boleh habiskan the whole packets of 6's cheddar cheese at one time! And the next day she will po poo more frequent than usual. Cuma this time yg paling teruk. Almost 4 days! Now, we both have learnt the lesson.
And thanks to all my cyber pals (they are mommies too!) for their advices. Now I know...cut their FM intake to stop their purging and vomitting. I did that... plus giving her some medications. My Mencah sudah buas seperti sediakala :P
Now, about buka puasa...
Since the Buka Puasa kat Templer Park that day, we've been attending 3 more (sponsored) Buka Puasa. Satu kat Shah Alam - Thai Restaurant (serious, I jarang hambek tau nama2 restoran nih..) - Food was nice (take note : I am no fussy eater). Another 1 kat Pizza Hut Rawang and recently kat Tropicana. Ohhh... I love the scenaries at Tropicana. I wish I could have a chance to stay there at least a week. (Berangan jer la...) Rumah-rumahnya (its not rumah i could say...its mansion!) was super marvelous! Macam istana pon ada! Banyak nya duit mereka dan keluarga mereka. Saya rasa, kalau saya duduk rumah besar giler mcm tu..kalau hilang brg mesti tak jumpa sampai ke sudah! Haihh....Anyway, we should be grateful of what we have rite?

Tropicana Golf Resort...
I can feel the sense of familiarity whenever I passed by the route from home to the clubhouse. There are bunches of memories there. My previous office was only a-minute-drive from Tropicana. Mead Johnson (my previous employer) has been having numerous gatherings, lunches, dinners, product launches... etc. there. On our way (from parking area) to the restaurant, I bumped into my ex-company directors - playing tennis with the GM. Huh...bodek sungguh!! I saw Jimmy (Supply Chain director) and the Medical Sales Director (sudah lupa nama beliau :P) sedang main tenis (membodek) dengan MJ's New GM and Finance Director - both are Mat Saleh.

I wonder how was the situation now at MJ...hurmmm....
A visit to the Dentist.
Ya Allah mengantuknya saya.... esok2 lah saya sambung...time to sleep.
Updated :
Since this week saya dpt pelepasan puasa (sengih..), I've decided to give my teeth a 'total makeover' (iyer2 jer kan.. :P). Sudah lama sgt tak jumpa dentist; last was during my pregnancy - end of 2006. Almost 2 years kan. So, mcm biasa i terjah jer mana2 klinik gigi yg ada kat Rawang nih.
Sbb klinik ni yg paling dekat dgn umah, easy access, easy to get parking space. Takde org, so cepat jer masuk jumpa doc. My intention is to tampal semua lubang2 kat gigi. Dan gigi saya ni memang dah byk yg 'missing' menyebabkan byk sgt empty space. Luckily kat corner lot. Hehehe. I never bother about those empty spaces until this very-pandai-pujuk doc lecturing me on the concequences of leaving those empty spaces unattended.
She said :
Oh have removed so many gigis yea... You know what, lemme tell you something (sambil menanggalkan face mask dan menghulurkan cermin kat saya - tu nk mula ler tu...) Look at your below part of teeth, see... all your teeth is moving and 'comforting' themselves due to wide space at corner here (pointing to the right side of my below teeth). (My gigi kapak kat bahagian bawah dah renggang sikit). But luckily your below lip manage to 'hide' it whenever you smile. But, I tell you...when this things happens to your upper teeth...YOU WILL CRY!! Both your front teeth up here (now pointing to my upper, front teeth!) will slowly move and become apart. And... you cannot hide it in anyways!! That time surely YOU WILL CRY ....
And now, she's offering a solution...ceh!
But luckily you are still young and it haven't move yet (the teeth) So, what u can do is, u can place a fake one into that space so that, the rest of your upper teeth will be tighten up.
Dang! Dung! Deng! Bla..bla...bla....
Ringkaskan cerita, sayer telah bejaya di POW oleh doktor tersebut. Setelah mendapat greenlight from my hubby, maka Dr Chek terus proceed buat mould for my gigi pelesu. Melayang rm550! Ohh..thats includes tampalan 4 btg gigi, scaling, gigi pelesu 2 batang (the best quality kononnya which comes with a 'C' wire hook) and a half an hour lecture + demo on how to use floss! Nasib baik dia tak buat demo cara2 berus gigi macam zaman kita sekolah2 dulu... remember those days...misi (nurse) bawak replica gigi yg besarrr...berus gigi yg besarr.... and we all holding a paper cup, bertenggek kat tepi longkang...then she showed us brushing techniques ...the DOs and DONTs..bla..bla..bla...
Luckily, its claimable. Ohh...sayang PERODUA! Anyway, my gigi pelesu akan siap esok! Mesti Aisyah pelik dengar saya bercakap nnt, coz doc dah pre alert me... pronunciation will slightly be 'affected' especially in the first few days as your mouth is adapting with the new gigi pelesu. Oh my...mcm tak percaya!! I am going to wear gigi pelesu at the age of 29! Dr Chek said... when you have enough fund, u should consider do tanam gigi (i forgot the medical term). There will be no wire or plastic part that hooked into your gum. Its pricey...approx. rm4k something. Huh.... I wont ever do that for the sake of beauty. Never ever! Its HARAM ok...
Hadis diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bukhari, Muslim dan Abu Daud yang menerangkan bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda:
“Allah melaknat wanita-wanita yang mencabut bulu kening atau bulu muka (al-Namisah) atau meminta orang lain mencukur atau mencabut bulu keningnya (al-Mutanammisah), wanita yang mengasah gigi supaya kelihatan cantik. Perbuatan itu telah mengubah ciptaan Allah.”
Just a recap from my Syariah and Quran Sunnah lesson masa kat Taayah : Larangan mengubah kejadian diri adalah termasuk menyambung atau menanam rambut (very famous nowadays esp. among celebrities kat Indon), mencabut atau mengukir kening (need i say more..?), membuat tatoo, memakai rambut palsu (termasuk wig).
Pengecualian yg ada : Harus jika ingin memperbaiki sebutan dan bacaan Al-Quran, berhias untuk suami dan faktor2 kesihatan.
Bacaan lanjut, klik sini.
Ohh...sudah panjang kan? Ok then, I will upload Mencah's pic in my next entry.
What a lazy Saturday.....zzzz......
Oh ya, pasal Mencah yg kena diarrhea - Alhamdulillah, she's getting better. Rasanya dah tau punca... my hubby admitted that he gave Mencah a slice of cheese yg actually still within the expiry date tapi dah lama tersadai dlm fridge. One thing, Mencah lurvvvess cheese to the max. Kalau dilayan, dia boleh habiskan the whole packets of 6's cheddar cheese at one time! And the next day she will po poo more frequent than usual. Cuma this time yg paling teruk. Almost 4 days! Now, we both have learnt the lesson.
And thanks to all my cyber pals (they are mommies too!) for their advices. Now I know...cut their FM intake to stop their purging and vomitting. I did that... plus giving her some medications. My Mencah sudah buas seperti sediakala :P
Now, about buka puasa...
Since the Buka Puasa kat Templer Park that day, we've been attending 3 more (sponsored) Buka Puasa. Satu kat Shah Alam - Thai Restaurant (serious, I jarang hambek tau nama2 restoran nih..) - Food was nice (take note : I am no fussy eater). Another 1 kat Pizza Hut Rawang and recently kat Tropicana. Ohhh... I love the scenaries at Tropicana. I wish I could have a chance to stay there at least a week. (Berangan jer la...) Rumah-rumahnya (its not rumah i could say...its mansion!) was super marvelous! Macam istana pon ada! Banyak nya duit mereka dan keluarga mereka. Saya rasa, kalau saya duduk rumah besar giler mcm tu..kalau hilang brg mesti tak jumpa sampai ke sudah! Haihh....Anyway, we should be grateful of what we have rite?

Tropicana Golf Resort...
I can feel the sense of familiarity whenever I passed by the route from home to the clubhouse. There are bunches of memories there. My previous office was only a-minute-drive from Tropicana. Mead Johnson (my previous employer) has been having numerous gatherings, lunches, dinners, product launches... etc. there. On our way (from parking area) to the restaurant, I bumped into my ex-company directors - playing tennis with the GM. Huh...bodek sungguh!! I saw Jimmy (Supply Chain director) and the Medical Sales Director (sudah lupa nama beliau :P) sedang main tenis (membodek) dengan MJ's New GM and Finance Director - both are Mat Saleh.

I wonder how was the situation now at MJ...hurmmm....
A visit to the Dentist.
Ya Allah mengantuknya saya.... esok2 lah saya sambung...time to sleep.
Updated :
Since this week saya dpt pelepasan puasa (sengih..), I've decided to give my teeth a 'total makeover' (iyer2 jer kan.. :P). Sudah lama sgt tak jumpa dentist; last was during my pregnancy - end of 2006. Almost 2 years kan. So, mcm biasa i terjah jer mana2 klinik gigi yg ada kat Rawang nih.
Sbb klinik ni yg paling dekat dgn umah, easy access, easy to get parking space. Takde org, so cepat jer masuk jumpa doc. My intention is to tampal semua lubang2 kat gigi. Dan gigi saya ni memang dah byk yg 'missing' menyebabkan byk sgt empty space. Luckily kat corner lot. Hehehe. I never bother about those empty spaces until this very-pandai-pujuk doc lecturing me on the concequences of leaving those empty spaces unattended.
She said :
Oh have removed so many gigis yea... You know what, lemme tell you something (sambil menanggalkan face mask dan menghulurkan cermin kat saya - tu nk mula ler tu...) Look at your below part of teeth, see... all your teeth is moving and 'comforting' themselves due to wide space at corner here (pointing to the right side of my below teeth). (My gigi kapak kat bahagian bawah dah renggang sikit). But luckily your below lip manage to 'hide' it whenever you smile. But, I tell you...when this things happens to your upper teeth...YOU WILL CRY!! Both your front teeth up here (now pointing to my upper, front teeth!) will slowly move and become apart. And... you cannot hide it in anyways!! That time surely YOU WILL CRY ....
And now, she's offering a solution...ceh!
But luckily you are still young and it haven't move yet (the teeth) So, what u can do is, u can place a fake one into that space so that, the rest of your upper teeth will be tighten up.
Dang! Dung! Deng! Bla..bla...bla....
Ringkaskan cerita, sayer telah bejaya di POW oleh doktor tersebut. Setelah mendapat greenlight from my hubby, maka Dr Chek terus proceed buat mould for my gigi pelesu. Melayang rm550! Ohh..thats includes tampalan 4 btg gigi, scaling, gigi pelesu 2 batang (the best quality kononnya which comes with a 'C' wire hook) and a half an hour lecture + demo on how to use floss! Nasib baik dia tak buat demo cara2 berus gigi macam zaman kita sekolah2 dulu... remember those days...misi (nurse) bawak replica gigi yg besarrr...berus gigi yg besarr.... and we all holding a paper cup, bertenggek kat tepi longkang...then she showed us brushing techniques ...the DOs and DONTs..bla..bla..bla...
Luckily, its claimable. Ohh...sayang PERODUA! Anyway, my gigi pelesu akan siap esok! Mesti Aisyah pelik dengar saya bercakap nnt, coz doc dah pre alert me... pronunciation will slightly be 'affected' especially in the first few days as your mouth is adapting with the new gigi pelesu. Oh my...mcm tak percaya!! I am going to wear gigi pelesu at the age of 29! Dr Chek said... when you have enough fund, u should consider do tanam gigi (i forgot the medical term). There will be no wire or plastic part that hooked into your gum. Its pricey...approx. rm4k something. Huh.... I wont ever do that for the sake of beauty. Never ever! Its HARAM ok...
Hadis diriwayatkan oleh Al-Bukhari, Muslim dan Abu Daud yang menerangkan bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda:
“Allah melaknat wanita-wanita yang mencabut bulu kening atau bulu muka (al-Namisah) atau meminta orang lain mencukur atau mencabut bulu keningnya (al-Mutanammisah), wanita yang mengasah gigi supaya kelihatan cantik. Perbuatan itu telah mengubah ciptaan Allah.”
Just a recap from my Syariah and Quran Sunnah lesson masa kat Taayah : Larangan mengubah kejadian diri adalah termasuk menyambung atau menanam rambut (very famous nowadays esp. among celebrities kat Indon), mencabut atau mengukir kening (need i say more..?), membuat tatoo, memakai rambut palsu (termasuk wig).
Pengecualian yg ada : Harus jika ingin memperbaiki sebutan dan bacaan Al-Quran, berhias untuk suami dan faktor2 kesihatan.
Bacaan lanjut, klik sini.
Ohh...sudah panjang kan? Ok then, I will upload Mencah's pic in my next entry.
What a lazy Saturday.....zzzz......